# Where should I read in the Bible? :: (A Short Bible Q&A)
{Hi, my name is NCR and welcome to another episode of Daily SunShine. {I love creating and sharing thought-provoking bright content and encouraging people to get into the Bible.} (If that sounds like something you are interested in, I encourage you to hit the subscribe button.) Today I will be answering a few common questions new believers or people who start to get into the Bible for themselves ask about Bible reading and Bible Study. If after watching this video you still have more questions, I encourage you to connect with me on social media.} Hi, it's me the blog version of me. I thought you wouldn't mind reading my video notes so I left them there. I was planning to do a long video answering all these questions. But then I decided to just do a blog post answering these questions. (And maybe a few short videos over the next few weeks.) I have a hard time juggling all the things I do. Podcasting, YouTubing, and Blogging. But I am getting better at it. And I just want to welcome you to my blog. Wether you are a long time reader, or this is your first time here. I hope you find this post helpful. And if you have any other Bible related or spiritual related questions after reading this post feel free to ask them in the comments or connect with me on social media. --- Disclaimer :: I am not a professional on this topic. And so much more could be said. --- ## Where should I read in the Bible? One of the most common questions I hear new believers or people who start to get into the Bible for themselves ask is... Where should I start? So I just thought I would add my answer. Some people say the book of Psalm is a great place to start. Don't get me wrong. The book of Psalm is great. It just might not be everyones cup of tea. The best place I would say to start is at the beginning of the New Testament. The thing with the Old Testament is that is contain a list of a lot of names. The first chapter of Matthew starts out the same way. Don't let those names bore you to death. You can skim over them pretty fast. The rest of Matthew is a great book. It should be an enjoyable read. And from Matthew I would say continue on and read the rest of the New Testament. Depending on wether you feel up to it I would say skip the last book, Revelation. Once you have read through the New Testament you can start reading through some of the shorter Old Testament books. The Old Testament is really important, but it may be awhile before you actually feel like reading some of the books from the Old Testament. I was a Christian for quite a few years before I read through the entire Bible. If you are a new believer I would just say read through the new testament a few time and more particularly the gospels. ## Should I have a special place to read the Bible? (Does having a special place to read help?) It, might. But I would just say read it wherever you normally read books. ## How much time should I spend in God's word everyday? As much time as you can? On a serious note what works for you? But don't spend too much time in the Bible one day that you wear yourself out or bore yourself to death. ## Do I need to read the Bible every day? (What if I am too busy to read God's word everyday?) If you can I would say to at least read one or two verses a day. Because yes it is important to get into God's word every day. But some days of the week you should spend more time reading. ## What if I don't feel like reading God's word? In my few years of reading the Bible on my own there have been times that I have not felt like reading the Bible. And I know this is a question other young people have. I would say if you don't feel like reading the Bible, maybe take a few days break from it. But I would also ask you why? It is because you find it boring? Or is it because you feel you don't have time to read God's word? ## What do I do if I don't like reading in general? If you don't like reading books in general. I don't know how yo made this far in my post. Or I don't know far you made it this far in the world. Reading is a big part of life. But I know that there are many people who don't like to read, some of my brothers or sisters for example. Maybe the Bible is not the best book to start with. You need to fall in love with reading. I mean that is my opinion. I think everyone should love reading? Should everyone love reading? I don't know what this world is coming to. It seems like no one likes to read any more. Some other options? Maybe listening to an audio Bible, or watching Bible films. But nothing compares to reading the Bible. ## How does reading the Bible compare to other books? ## Or How does the Bible compare to other books? The Bible is a holy book so it quite different from other books. The Bible is actually a collection of books. Now the Bible contains truth. Some of the books contain poetry. It defiantly is an interesting book. ## How much of the Bible should I read at a time or how fast should I read through the Bible? (Pick a pace that works for you.) (I might be saying pick your own pace.) For beginners I would recommend a faster pace. Read through individual books at a time. Don't take 28 days to read the gospel of Matthew because it has 28 chapters. Read it through in a few days. Maybe someone who has been a long-time Christian and has read through the whole Bible a few times they can take that long. But if you have never the Bible through before. I would recommend sitting down and reading it like a book. ## What is your opinion on reading the Bible through in a year? // What has your personal experience of reading through the Bible been like? ## How many times through should I read the Bible? ## Or How often should I read the Bible through? If you have read through the Bible once that is amazing. Congratulations. If you are young or new to the Bible and haven't read it through once yet that is ok. It might take you a few years. And in those few years there may be certain books that you read through multiple times. There are certain people who can manage to read the Bible through two or three, and maybe even four times a year. As a young person or a new believer the task of reading through the whole Bible may seem daunting. It is really not that huge huge of a book. But for the average person it probably is not necessary to read the Bible through 4 times in one year. Once through in 4 years might be more like it. But over those 4 years there will and should be many books and passages of the Bible that read through many times. ## Do I need do be a serious Bible scholar to get something out of the Bible? No. But you can find many resources to help. ## What is the reason we read the Bible? 1. To learn more about God for ourselves. 2. To learn more about God so we can share Him with others. ## Physical Bible or Mobile Bible application? Depends. ## What Mobile Bible application would you recommend? I developed a desktop Bible app featuring the beautiful language of the KJV. But the Bible app that I would recommend is the YouVersion Bible app by Life Church. ## Does listening to audio Bible count? Do you like to listen to other audio books? Listening to an audio Bible might work for you. It definitely counts, it might also be helpful to follow along as you listen to it. ## What version should I use? I am a big lover of the KJV, but I know that version is kind of hard to understand. I would say the NIV or NLT are great versions to use. (P.S. NIV = New International Version NLT = New Living Translation) --- ## How to stay engaged in God's Word? I did a short video on this recently. I would say my top 4 tips are... 1. Don't treat it like a chore. 2. Pick a reading pace that works for you. 3. Be intentional about making time to be and spend time in the word of God. 4. Be involved with a Bible study community. --- ## Is it supposed to feel boring? (This is a question my sister Sarah asked.) My response to this question is... Do you enjoy reading? And NO. Reading the Bible should not be boring. ## How do I study the Bible? (This is a question my sister Anna asked.) I hope this short Bible Q&A, answered some of your questions about how to study the Bible. But if you still have that question. I would say... 1. Read it. 2. Read it again. 3. Ask yourself some questions about the passage. (Is there anything that stuck out to you? Is there anything that you did not understand?) 4. Think about the passage a bit. 5. Do some research with some Bible study tools. 6. And read the passage again. That there though is diving into some more series Bible study and is that necessary for everyone? I would say not on a daily basis. But you should defiantly do some of that kind of Bible Study on maybe a weekly basis either by yourself or with a group. --- Well that is it for today. Thank you so much for reading. Once again if you have any spiritual related questions feel free to ask them.
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