Hi, it's me N.C.R. with another SunShining inspiration. And today I want to talk about the past, presence, and future of seeing God. Before I get started I want to say that I am not a professional on the topic of seeing God. And I am not talking about the history of seeing God, though I may bring up a few history examples of how others have seen God. And I am not talking about the future of others seeing God, though I do encourage you to teach your children about seeing God. I am talking about you in this present moment. How have you seen God in your past? Or How has God shown himself to you in the past? And how can you see God working in your life right now? How do you see God working on you in the near future? I think there are three places you can see God. You can see him in the past, the present, and the future. Seeing him in your past involves looking back. Seeing him at work in your life right now and seeing him at work in your future may be the two hardest places to see God. Seeing God in your future involves praying to God about your future. If you ever get discouraged I encourage you to look and try to see ways God has shown himself in your past. Or maybe the past in general. I think seeing God along next to prayer is one of the things our enemy Satan hates the most. What makes you think you are seeing God when you think you are seeing God? Like when you are talking to God, when you see God you need to be absolutely certain that you are seeing God. Do you believe with all your heart that you have seen God? Otherwise Satan will try to convince you that you are not really seeing God and that God doesn't exist. Seeing God has a history. It has a present. And it has a future. I encourage you to regularly take time to see God. I pray that you start today and make it a habit that will last into the future. Have you ordered your copies of EveryWhere I Look Vol. 1 and 2? Find out more at: sites.google.com/view/everywhere-i-look/home. P.S. As always please take a moment to think about what you just read!
We are living through a worldwide pandemic. The optimistic side of me is saying this is an amazing time to be alive. But the pessimist side of me is wondering when is life going to get back to normal. I have two questions for you. How will you live through this world wide pandemic? How will you live after it? Now I know that I said I have two questions but one you get me started. Should COVID-19 affect our life? I am not really talking about our life, because yes it is affecting our life. I am talking about the way we live life. Also known as our lifestyle. Should COVID-19 affect or change the way we live life? The short answer is yes. Yes COVID-19 should affect our life. As Christians we are supposed to be continually changing. We are supposed to be constantly changing for the better. I think another word more familiar to us is growing. We know we should be growing. Growth is hard, and I think a lot of us have become content with where we are at. I pray that not only will COVID-19 affect us, but I pray that God will use COVID-19 to grow us, to change us, and to strengthen us. Will you join me in this prayer? So many godly resources!!!!! When I was a young kid just learning to read. I can't remember what grade I was in, but I remember reading a story about a boy around my age in a far away country. And he was learning to read just like me. I can't remember too much of the story. But I remember that the boy had a wise dad that said something like there were so many good books out there that he should never waste any time reading bad books.I can't remember all the details of the story, but I do know that there are so many godly resources out there. I am the co-owner of the Renfroe Christian library, a small little library in Deadwood, AB. And our library is jam packed full of Christian books, movies, and CDs. But our library only contains a small amount, only a fraction, of the total amount of godly resources in the world. There are probably many godly resources that you know about that I don't know about. And there are probably many godly resources that I know about that you don't know about. Godly resources are so inspirational. Everytime I watch a good Christian movie, listen to a christain song, or read a Christian book I am so inspired. They are so much more fulfilling than ungodly stuff. If all you want is something entertaining, I have got piles of recommendations. If you want something educational or inspirational I have also got piles of recommendations. Of course all my recommendations will be something Christian that I inspired me, something Christian fell in love with, and something Christian that I want to share with you. I have heard different teachers and pastors talk about certain movies, such as Lion King or Wreck-it Ralph. And it is amazing what they got from those movies and how they can use illustrations from those movies to share a biblical truth. Some people are gifted to be able to get something biblical from an unbiblical produced resource. But a majority of us just want something entertaining, and a majority of the entertaining movies out there are not produced by Christians and therefore they have negative messages in them. I am not trying to be legalistic and say godly resources only, but I do highly recommend a lot of godly resources. As the founder of the SunShining I love exploring and finding new goldly resources. And I would love to share them with you. If you are a reader, music listener, or movie watcher maybe send me a message or ask for recommendations in the comments and I well if you ask for recommendations I will recommend something good!!!! If you are a writer, I would love to help you publish and share your writings. If you are interested in submitting a blog post check out the for writers page. For Writers
Make sure you follow me on all social media platforms for the lastest updates!!!! These last 3 weeks I watched some great movies and just wanted to share them with you. (I am not sharing them with you because I think they are movies everyone needs to watch. I am just sharing them with you so that everyone knows what I watched!)
And the nice thing about it is that all these movies are on youtube, so you can watch them for free. My top two favorite from the last 3 weeks: The Defense of New Haven https://youtu.be/cSs2Wpah6Ww Fix It Boys https://youtu.be/dtqyXMda63E The Camp new movie series: Camp New: Act One https://youtu.be/Hy6XYPCE9hY Camp New - Humble Pie https://youtu.be/47SjFJhBwPQ Camp New - Dollar Days https://youtu.be/6bXewTa1KaI Others: Indescribable https://youtu.be/iYhGaaGBzuc Forty Nights https://youtu.be/E52EV2FPT2I Also this last week I started watching The Sugar Creek Gang movie series and created a playlist with all 5 movies: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhdlOfKFUjhjp41NQbUOPUYXnSuAJRTMu |
You can also find notes for "The SunShining Podcast", "Daily SunShine", and "Cemetery Reflections" podcasts or any other podcast I might host.
And last but not least, since I will take part in blog tours every once in a while you can also find book spotlights or conference info.
So if that sounds like something you are interested in, I encourage you to come back regularly. (I know I have gone through dry spells in the past.)
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September 2021
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