Hi, its me N.C.R., I have been busy these last few weeks. Doing lots of coding. So that is why I have not been sharing much on my blog latly. Summers are busy times for me. This summer I am wrorking at Riverside Bible camp as a cabin leader so if you live in the peace country send your children there. And this blog post will probly be the last one by me till the fall. Till I write again, check out the things I have been working on... I published 3 browser extentions to the chrome webstore!It's that exciting. I turned my bible websites into browser extentions. If you use the kjv bible often you should defintly get my extentions find out more at: SunShining Browser Extentions I published the webversion of my book "On The Mount with Jesus".You can view the webversion of my book at: sunbible.000webhostapp.com/BiblePlans/OnTheMountWithJesus.html. Along with all the orgional writings you will find a few new notes by me. I made a page with a collection of verses on the law of God.This webpage is long from finished. It has a few errors. For one I noticed that when the page first loads it brings you right to the middle. But I don't think I have anymore time to work on this for a while. You can view the page at: sunbible.000webhostapp.com/TheLaw/TheLaw.html. Well, stay tuned for updates on social media. This fall I want to help homeschoolers get the best resources for their family. And I am waiting for the proof copy of "Ben and His Shadow Buddy" to come in. I will finish that book later this fall. It is a must have book for homschoolers or anyone with children. Some Links you might find helpful: sites.google.com/view/benandhisshadowbuddy/home sites.google.com/view/sunshininghomeschooling/home sites.google.com/view/benandhismirrorbuddy/home For more Links visit: SunShining Sites. Here are 3 verses on photos about God not Changing. God does not change! p.s. The camp director asked me to read the book of Acts before camp statrs. So I will be studing that book the next few weeks and I may add notes to sunbible.
You can also find notes for "The SunShining Podcast", "Daily SunShine", and "Cemetery Reflections" podcasts or any other podcast I might host.
And last but not least, since I will take part in blog tours every once in a while you can also find book spotlights or conference info.
So if that sounds like something you are interested in, I encourage you to come back regularly. (I know I have gone through dry spells in the past.)
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September 2021
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